EuroPort Graduate School of Business, is the international graduate school of EuroPort Business School group. They have established facilities to offer international programs for students and executives. The programs can be followed only in part-time, on Fridays and/or weekends and will be offered in different global centers.

Starting from January 1, 2021, the EuroPort Business School will no longer accept new student registrations. A very limited number of students can continue to receive EPBS diplomas or register for dual diplomas, but the final award date for the last few graduates is July 23, 2022, After this date, certificates no longer will be issued.

The previous cooperation between EPBS and Shanghai Haizhe Education Consulting Services Co., Ltd. for training programmes will also be terminated simultaneously.

Certificate application and inquiry email:

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EuroPort Business School, has established facilities in Beijing (China) and Praque (Czech Republic) to offer international (non NVAO accredited) programs for companies.

The following programs will be offered:

  • Logistic Management
  • Financial Management
  • Total Quality Management
  • Post graduate programs / Executive Diploma Programs

If you are interested in one of our tailor made programs, do not hesitate and send an e-mail to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.